Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

The­ory 9 to En­dgame

The World of Grind­ing, R9 Boost, and Cus­tom The­or­ies

Guide writ­ten by LE★Baldy and Snaeky. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This guide is cur­rently un­der­go­ing change. Keep in mind, strategies may change.

Feel free to use the gloss­ary as needed.


The­ory 9 #

There is no the­ory 9 guide and this is a guide for what to do after the­ory 9. Have fun fig­ur­ing out T9 for your­self and re­move stu­dents when fin­ished and put back into R9 and phi.

Gradu­ation rout­ing #

Rout­ing is based on your cur­rent Tau (\(\tau\)) and Phi (\(\varphi\)) num­bers.

Make sure to use the for op­timal gradu­ation, stu­dent, star, and the­ory op­tions.

Push F(t) with 3R9 swap­ping #

Mem­or­ize your stu­dent dis­tri­bu­tions with and without 30 R9 stu­dents. Use the stu­dent cal­cu­lator if needed. You will com­monly see people refer to this as R9 seap­ing as a long held name of the strategy.
  1. Wait till \(F(t)\) stops grow­ing with stu­dents in R9 push­ing \(\tau\).
  2. Start ac­cel (prefer­ably keep it between prestiges).
  3. Po­ten­tially sit here to stack t for big­ger \(\varphi_2\) when you have stu­dents in \(\varphi_2\). Only do this when you are near a gradu­ation mark.
  4. Re­spec all 30 stu­dents from R9.
  5. Wait for the auto­prestige to prestige and swap back stu­dents to R9.
  6. Re­peat.
Also see t stack­ing

R9 auto­prestige ex­pres­sion #

You can find the auto­prestige used for R9 Seap­ing here: Equa­tion. If you don’t have this ex­pres­sion, then you will have to manu­ally prestige each time (turn it off be­fore seap­ing).

Ref­er­ence R9 Swap­ping Auto­prestige Ex­plan­a­tion

How to prop­erly use the Gradu­ation Cal­cu­lator #

The gradu­ation cal­cu­lator is a great tool to be able to get the best \(F(t)\) to gradu­ate at given your \(\varphi\), \(\tau\), and stu­dents. It also has ad­di­tional fea­tures such as dif­fer­ence in R9 boost upon gradu­ation. The cal­cu­lator is for the \(\varphi\) you are us­ing to push. This means use the \(\varphi\) without any levels in R9. The cal­cu­lator also already takes into ac­count su­prem­acy up­grades and skipped stu­dents so no ex­tra work needs to be done. In­struc­tions on how to run are found in In­tro­duc­tion to Gradu­ation.

Three Steps To Get­ting The Best Res­ult #

  1. After your pro­gress has slowed after re­cov­er­ing from a gradu­ation and near­ing the next gradu­ation, get res­ults from the cal­cu­lator. Only the \(F(t)\) out­put here is use­ful.
  2. Upon ar­riv­ing to the most re­cent out­put, get a new set of res­ults from the cal­cu­lator.
  3. Re­peat Step 2 un­til out­put is the same \(F(t)\) you are cur­rently at. This is when you should gradu­ate.

Note: You may run into a Tau is higher than Phi res­ult, or sim­ilar to this, but this is due to data run­ning that por­tion of the cal­cu­lator be­ing old and be­fore Cus­tom The­or­ies were in­tro­duced which shif­ted the re­l­at­ive amounts. This will be fixed in the fu­ture with more data (sub­mit here after any gradu­ation).

The­ory rout­ing and strategies #

For best the­ory rout­ing and push­ing, use the The­ory Sim and the The­ory Sim Guide to give the best strategy and mul­ti­plier for the next pub­lic­a­tions. Hu­man T5 is be­low:

T5 rout­ing #

Run­ning the act­ive strats will make this the num­ber one the­ory for a while and even­tual num­ber two after T6 takes over (e750-770+). A step-by-step on how to pro­gress the the­ory is be­low.

Steps Cre­ated by: Snaeky, Marks, Baldy, and Nerdy

  1. x10 buy \(c_2\) manu­ally and auto­buy the rest un­til within ~\(e10\) of your pre­vi­ous pub­lic­a­tion.
  2. Around your last pub mark within ~\(e10\), start auto­buy­ing \(c_2\) and stop auto­buy­ing \(c_1\) and \(q_1\). At this point:
    1. buy \(q_1\) up to \(15%\) of the cost of the next doub­ling pur­chase (\(2^x\) pur­chase),
    2. and buy \(c_1\) after you pur­chase \(c_2\) up to \(e1\) lower than \(q\). This limit will in­crease as you get higher \(\tau\) and fur­ther into a pub­lic­a­tion.
  3. Once you reach the de­sired pub­lic­a­tion point, pub­lish.
  4. Re­peat this for stonks.
No com­ment­ary

T5 will al­ways give its best res­ults from act­ive play. However, after step 3, you can still get good res­ults while auto­buy­ing \(q_1\) and manu­ally pur­chas­ing \(c_1\) every 10-15min. This makes the the­ory slightly less act­ive and easier to deal with.

Ad­di­tional In­form­a­tion #

Pur­chase \(c_2\) when \(1.5q > c_2*c_3^{1.1}\).

\(q\) be­gins to slow down when you reach \(2q > c_2*c_3^{1.1}\).

Strategy con­struc­ted by: Snaeky, Marks, Baldy, and Nerdy

t stack­ing #

A use­ful strategy in the later stages of a gradu­ation is \(t\) stack­ing. It refers to swap­ping mul­tiple times dur­ing a single prestige, the quant­ity will in­crease as you gain more \(F(t)\). At about 50k, you should start to do this at least once per prestige near the end of a gradu­ation to re­cover faster. Past 55k, you might need to do this more than once. The more of­ten the bet­ter, as the main goal is to in­crease \(F(t)\) with the swap, thus giv­ing us more \(dt\), al­low­ing for more \(t\), then just let­ting \(t\) build up over time. This can be re­peated mul­tiple times and res­ults in faster pro­gress for \(t\), es­pe­cially as each swap in­between profits from more \(\varphi\) due to ad­di­tional \(dt\) and \(t\). Over­all this speeds up the time a prestige needs to reach a high enough value for \(t\) to do a fi­nal swap com­pared to let­ting the game run fully idle.

Skipped stu­dents rout­ing #

Once you have enough stu­dents to al­ways have R4 to R7 maxed out (about 30k), you will want to look for “Big­mas”, stu­dents that will yields a lar­ger than nor­mal amount of \(\varphi\), and “Skip­mas”, stu­dents that will yield 0 ex­tra \(\varphi\), as they can­not be used for op­timal stu­dent dis­tri­bu­tion. These stu­dents may change if you do not use ac­cel, or your star val­ues are drastic­ally dif­fer­ent from the norm. So, to check if you have a Skipma or a Bigma, you will need check the cal­cu­lator at the \(F(t)\) that you just gradu­ated at for the stu­dents that you have not, and the next stu­dent that you will get, if the dis­tri­bu­tion has an ex­tra stu­dent, then it is a Skipma, if it has a lar­ger than nor­mal change in \(\varphi\) (nor­mally 1e9 dif­fer­ence), then it is a Bigma. You want to gradu­ate on a Bigma, and skip Skip­mas.

Due to fluc­tu­ations with stars, ac­cel, \(t\), and more, Skipma and Bigma can be situ­ation de­pend­ant. Be­low is a chart with nor­mal ac­cel and stars, but the stu­dents to skip due to Bigma and Skipma based on vary­ing levels of de­vi­ation from nor­mal t for that \(F(t)\). This does change based on CT’s as they shift data, but it is not the largest dif­fer­ence.

Note: The best way to de­cide a bigma skipma is to either cal­cu­late phi dis­tri­bu­tion your­self or use the gradu­ation cal­cu­lator which will auto­mat­ic­ally ask for in­form­a­tion for this cal­cu­la­tion if you are on 1dσ. In­struc­tions to run are found in In­tro­duc­tion to Gradu­ation. #
Stu­dents to Skip
Al­ways Skipped 144, 146, 149, 152, 155, 158, 161, 164
166, 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 190
193, 198, 203, 208, 213, 216, 218, 220
224, 230, 236, 240, 242, 246, 248, 251
256, 261, 268, 275, 279, 282, 289, 296, 298
304, 312, 320, 324, 326, 328, 334, 336, 344
High t (5x) 307, 310
Mid-High t (1x+) 316
Low-High t (1x-) 286, 292
Low t (0.5x) 318
F(t) to Skip
Al­ways Skipped 29.8k, 30.2k, 30.8k, 31.4k, 32.0k, 32.6k
33.2k, 33.8k, 34.2k, 34.6k, 35.4k, 36.2k
37.0k, 37.8k, 38.6k, 39.0k, 39.6k, 40.6k
41.6k, 42.6k, 43.6k, 44.2k, 44.6k, 45.0k
45.8k, 47.0k, 48.2k, 49.0k, 49.4k, 50.2k
50.6k, 51.2k, 52.2k, 53.2k, 54.6k, 56.0k
56.8k, 57.4k, 58.8k, 60.2k, 60.6k, 61.8k, 63.4k
65.0k, 65.8k, 66.2k, 66.6k, 67.8k, 68.2k, 69.8k
High t (5x) 62.4k, 63.0k
Mid-High t (1x+) 64.2k
Low-High t (1x-) 58.2k, 59.4k
Low t (0.5x) 64.6k

Ex­plan­a­tion by: Snaeky and AfuroZamurai

Cal­cu­la­tions by: LE★Baldy

Su­prem­acy Equa­tion Past 48k #

When you get to ee48k, you will have all of the \(\psi\) up­grades and you can get rid of the old Auto­su­prem­acy Equa­tion. The old Auto­su­prem Equa­tion is very in­ef­fi­cient, but its the best that we have right now due to how Su­prem­acy up­grades are spaced be­fore the fi­nal \(\psi\) up­grade. It is not worth push­ing past an up­grade as there is no bo­nus to \(\varphi\) from \(\psi\), only \(d\psi\). When you hit about \(f(t)\) ee50k you can skip buy­ing most \(\psi\) up­grades and be able to re­cover fairly quickly. The Su­prem­acy Equa­tions for the \(F(t)\) that we know are as fol­lows:

Su­prem Equa­tion past ee48k:


Su­prem Equa­tion past ee52k:


Su­prem Equa­tion past ee58-60k:


How to re­spec #

See the in­tro­duc­tion guide for re­spe­cing stu­dents and mile­stones.

Lemma #

All Lemma sec­tions already have the - but­tons un­locked. This gives back the full price paid into the up­grade. This al­lows for up­grade swap­ping or drop­ping up­grades at the very end to hit the lemma limit early. The amount re­speced is based on the x1, x10, x25, x100, xMax in the top right. On the right side, you can see the total levels bought. There is also a free re­set top right if a mis­take is made.