Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

Rank­ings & News Decem­ber 2021

Guide writ­ten by AfuroZamurai. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This was ori­gin­ally writ­ten on Dis­cord so the text may be con­fus­ing. It is kept this way to pre­serve the ori­ginal posts how they were.

Main Rank­ings Page

Decem­ber 2021 #

Rank­ings #

Decem­ber Top 20 on the lead­er­board, their \(F(t)\) at the time the list was com­piled and their Dis­cord con­nec­tion (Dis­cord names in brack­ets are not their nick­names!):

  1. GrimJu­ni­per­55831 (wind) - ee59500:

The le­gend, whose pres­ence here is not that rare but usu­ally not daily. Of­ten he com­plains about the­or­ies be­ing too act­ive, though he has them all way too high xD

  1. Gen­Er­a­tion­Na­tion (Gen) - ee59300:

“Only” a bit above 1000 mes­sages here but if there is any­one who can chal­lenge wind it has to be Gen^^

  1. Eld­rail (AfuroZamurai) - ee59000:

Al­ways a bit dif­fi­cult to write about one­self^^ Activ­ity here is more in phases but at least pretty reg­u­larly (so daily), in the game I do like my idle the­or­ies (who could’ve guessed?) and push­ing \(F(t)\). Cur­rently it seems I have se­cured this third place, though there are some play­ers loom­ing in the back who I fear…

  1. An­thari­on1988 (An­tharion) - ee58800:

The ori­ginal le­gend, long­time #1, cre­ator of the tau sim­u­lator and sadly not that act­ive any­more (both in the game and on the server), though we can still see him (and he’s cer­tainly not given up^^) quite reg­u­larly. He ac­tu­ally kept not only his place but seemed to gain a bit on his fol­low­ers!

  1. (+1) Vin­tage­Sur­fer­56606 (kinger55) - ee58500:

He has dis­covered the main reason to be on the server: the tau bot^^ Else he’s not really par­ti­cip­at­ing but he’s a force on the lead­er­board for sure. Though I’m un­sure who will (if ever) win his fight with Playspout for their place­ment, he has got the bet­ter off him in this mo­ment. Well, the last sen­tence did­n’t age that great xD Up he goes!

  1. (-1) counix86 (Ar­thurbdn) - ee58475:

Ba­sic­ally not act­ive, ex­cept for a short time when the french glitch happened and cata­pul­ted him to the top. Well, let’s just say his T2 is like a year ahead of its time… It looks like he’s not act­ive enough any­more to keep up but who knows? For now he is drop­ping a bit but not that much.

  1. (+1) Black­Seal94 (Black­Seal) - ee58330:

The old T6 cham­pion and ac­tu­ally climb­ing the lead­er­board, which is im­press­ive at these heights! Sel­dom seen here but al­ways great to see him up­date his in­sane T6 stat^^

  1. (-1) HeadedArt26 (Playspout) - ee58270:

If you ever looked at the re­cord sheet you should know him be­cause he’s lit­er­ally every­where there (still hold­ing him off from T2/​T4 for now^^). Also pretty act­ive here for quite a while!

Ad­ded fun fact: did ee50000 without T9. Dropped a place but as he has no up­dates in the last few days I sus­pect a sud­den re­appear­ence way higher^^

  1. har­u­maki200 (har­u­maki) - ee58220:

So far with the low­est amount of Dis­cord mes­sages but at least still here^^ Also seems on the rise, though I can’t say that for sure, not enough in­form­a­tion. In­form­a­tion is in: he’s most def­in­itely on the rise! I was in­ter­ested to see if he can get even higher and so far the an­swer is no. Maybe he’ll re­gain the high mo­tiv­a­tion?

  1. Rem­m­oire (?) - ee58130:

Has been seen already but un­clear what is name is here on the server. Cer­tainly a con­stant on the top of the lead­er­board, curi­ous if a Top 10 spot is com­ing. An­swer is here: he got it and he kept it for this month as well! Is there room for my? We will see it next month!

  1. (+3) Reck­on­Crew (Reck­on­Crew) - ee57960:

He has all his mes­sages on the server from a single day about 9 months ago, which is an achieve­ment in it­self I guess^^ Not much else to say ex­cept he is the hot per­son right now! Still a force to be reckoned with!

  1. Fire­burn­er80 (Gull Dew­cat) - ee57870:

His in-game activ­ity seems to mir­ror his server activ­ity: prefer­ably idle. Long time around this spot, maybe he’ll get the fire back and re­claim his old Top 10 spot? This might be hard, given how hard some of the new play­ers above him push, even if he over­took some other play­ers. I’m a prophet! One place gained, one place lost and it equals it­self out.

  1. Un­be­liev­ableSlacker (Slacker) - ee57800:

Prob­ably slack­ing too of­ten (sorry, could­n’t help it) but he was pretty act­ive on the server for a while some time ago. Never give up the hope to see him again^^ Either he stopped slack­ing or other people slacked more be­cause he gained two spots. The start of more? So far he’s sta­tion­ary but ob­vi­ously not slack­ing enough to fall down again^^

  1. (+1) Con­vo­lutedEarth28 (?) - ee57760:

Not much to say ex­cept a vague feel­ing I should know who this is but I don’t. Cool name though^^ He keeps up and passed some of the fallen play­ers. Maybe we’ll know more at some point in the fu­ture? So far noth­ing new ex­cept a gained place.

  1. (+2) Juan­nTitor (JuanT­itor) - ee57750:

I feel I saw him rise in the rank­ings over the past few months and cer­tainly re­mem­ber see­ing this nick on the lead­er­board. On the server it looks like a lot of bot com­mands lately but from time to time he pops up for some other com­ment. This month he lost a spot, so either I had false thoughts or his rise was stopped. Let’s see if he get’s go­ing fast again! Res­ult is in: he is back! Not only did he re­gained his lost spot, he rose one rank more!

  1. (-5) pm­loikjuy­hbn (pm­loikjuy­hbn) - ee57700:

What an ab­om­in­a­tion of a name xD In­act­ive on the server since middle of June, can­not say I re­mem­ber much about his lead­er­board de­vel­op­ment. While I can’t re­mem­ber earlier, he for sure is on the rise. From the bunch of play­ers around this \(F(t)\) he seems to set him­self apart, will be in­ter­est­ing to see if he can hold this and chal­lenge even fur­ther. Well, clearly the per­son who dropped the most. Of course the whole pack around him is pretty close but will he be able to pcik up the pace again?

  1. (+2) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee57600:

Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Prob­ably the per­son who rose the most in the ranks in re­cent times (ex­cept it seems nubest^^) and maybe the most act­ive per­son on the server [cita­tion needed]. Also known for his con­tri­bu­tions to the guide and an­swer­ing ques­tions seem­ingly every­where and everytime^^ May he enter the Top 20 soon!Mis­sion ac­com­plished! Top 10 next? The dir­ec­tion is at least right and he’s clos­ing in on the big group close to­gether!

  1. nubestlol (nubest) - ee57600:

Prob­ably fuelled by her rivalry with Snaeky she shot up the ranks and entered the Top 20. Long time mem­ber of this server with quite a lot of mes­sages a name to know. Will there be a point where the rise will stop? Next month will show^^ So far the rise has stopped and even worse: Snaeky catched up! In­ter­ested to see what the next moth will bring!

  1. (new) Up­Artz (?) - ee57400:

Seems to be act­ive on Red­dit but not here, though this is un­clear. Never really no­ticed this name but cer­tainly up is ap­pro­pri­ate^^ Un­less Impyrio shows up again we’ll see him again soon. As I said, he’s back again. This time to stay? We’ll see!

  1. (new) Ru­ner­112 (Ru­ner­112) - ee57240:

His last activ­ity is half a year ago on the server - in­game is cer­tainly dif­fer­ent. Last month I wrote: he can­not keep up and lost touch with the Top 20. Un­less a mir­acle hap­pens he’ll be out of this rank­ing in the next month. How wrong I was… To be fair, it mainly has to do with two play­ers be­ing more or less in­act­ive, so I won­der how long he’ll be able to keep his Top 20 spot.

Some enter the list and so some have to leave the list as well. Here are the fallen out from this month:

  1. (-5) thomas49250 (|Ü|N|THOMAS49) - ee57220:

Shortly #1 for a while (made pos­sible by the french glitch, though it cer­tainly af­fected him less than counix) and fought hard but cur­rently in­act­ive since a few weeks… Maybe he’ll re­turn to his more act­ive times on the server in the fu­ture? At least he showed up again, though he already lost 7 places. Maybe it is time for a comeback? Seems the comeback is still not here as he lost an­other 5 places to drop out of the Top 20. Prob­ably he’ll com­pletely van­ish in the next rank­ings but I won’t be do­ing pre­dic­tions any­more^^

  1. (-7) Impyrio (Im­piryo) - ee56802:

No, that was no mis­spelling on my side^^ Here he’s mainly us­ing the bots and on the lead­er­board his rise seems slow but con­sist­ent. Now it seems his fall is pretty fast and con­sist­ent. The re­cord sheet sug­gests that he is un­for­tu­nately gone com­pletely in­act­ive. Maybe he comes back, maybe he lost in­terest. I guess we’ll know more in the next list. Now I can say: his \(F(t)\) re­mained com­pletely the same, so sadly it looks like he’s gone for good now.

An hon­our­able men­tion goes to #

  1. (on iOS) Phask (Phask) - ee58000:

Long­time leader on the iOS lead­er­board and ac­tu­ally in the Top 20 over­all if com­bined. Looks like he ac­tu­ally might be pretty close to the Top 10 on An­droid (cur­rently #11)! He’s also on the server, though his act­ive times are some months ago. Also known as the cre­ator of the first Tau data col­lec­tion sheet.

An­other hon­or­able men­tion (chosen ran­domly from a list of can­did­ates - please nom­in­ate someone with a reason for fu­ture in­clu­sion of play­ers if you have some­body in mind):

  1. xelaroc (Alex­Cord)- ee56965:

He is a very act­ive mem­ber of this com­munity here and even more in the game in re­spect to the minigames. An in­sane 306 mil­lion(!) total stars (over 200 mil­lion of them minigame stars) are un­rivaled and very im­press­ive. As he seems to be gain­ing spots again as well, we might wel­come him in the Top 20 in the fu­ture as well!