Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

Rank­ings & News Decem­ber 2022

Guide writ­ten by AfuroZamurai. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This was ori­gin­ally writ­ten on Dis­cord so the text may be con­fus­ing. It is kept this way to pre­serve the ori­ginal posts how they were.
Main Rank­ings Page

Decem­ber 2022 #

News #

The wait for one of the sev­eral CTs ready for re­view to be tested and ap­proved con­tin­ues but at some point Gilles has to awake from hi­berna­tion, right? Right? starts cry­ing

An­other an­nounce­ment (which was kind of in­ten­ded to be in­tro­duced by prac­tical ex­ample) has to be made be­cause I did­n’t want to post­pone fur­ther:

The rank­ings and news will be ad­ded to the guide web­site! This will not only open up this in­form­a­tion to a way lar­ger reader base but it will also al­low for other perks like easier over­view and bet­ter format­ting. It will also make ac­tu­ally writ­ing these easier. Cur­rent plan is to have the yearly edi­tion as the first purely web­site rank­ings and trans­fer all the old ones over in the next weeks.

If any­one has ideas, please let me (and/​or the guide team) know. If you have cri­ti­cism do it as well. If you don’t want to end up in any news/​rank­ings out­side the server, then con­tact me so I could either ex­clude or an­onymise you.

See you else­where soon!

Rank­ings #

So after once again avoid­ing the rank­ings in fa­vor of news for a bit, it is fi­nally time for the up­date!

Decem­ber 2022 Top 20 on the lead­er­board, their \(F(t)\) at the time the list was com­piled and their Dis­cord con­nec­tion (Dis­cord names in brack­ets are not their nick­names!):

  1. HeadedArt26 (Playspout) - ee67409:

If you ever looked at the re­cord sheet you should know him be­cause he’s lit­er­ally every­where there (still hold­ing him off from T2/​T4 for now^^). Also pretty act­ive here, do­ing everything ima­gin­able! Ad­ded fun fact: did ee50000 without T9. I won­der if there is any­thing he is­n’t act­ive in^^

Playspout is the Ling Ling of Ex­po­nen­tial IdleAct­ive with 40 hours a day (and more saves than any per­son should have) and still search­ing for new the­ory strats and writ­ing and and and. Hav­ing es­tab­lished a firm lead the only ques­tion to re­main seems: will Gen still try again or will Playspout lose some mo­tiv­a­tion and al­low someone else to get close? So could you slow down please?

  1. (+1) Eld­rail (AfuroZamurai) - ee67203:

Al­ways a bit dif­fi­cult to write about one­self^^ Activ­ity here is more in phases but at least pretty reg­u­larly (so hope­fully daily), in the game I do like my idle the­or­ies (who could’ve guessed?). Fa­vour­ite phrase: Time for act­ive the­or­ies I guess^^ (while not do­ing that un­til I set my­self a chal­lenge). Also loves chess.

Have to work on my over­push be­cause my one month in­ter­mezzo as #2 was of course short-lived (cur­rently again #2 by the grace of Gen no of­fi­cially com­pet­ing) and I hope I can get near Playspout again at some point be­fore I’m over­taken. Work­ing on it and still fight­ing des­pite a some­what more idle pres­ence all around.

  1. (+1) Adam­H99 (nemesis) - ee67073:

Found the server some while ago and no longer an un­known! Looks like he is back to fast and steady, get­ting pretty close to me ac­tu­ally.

So for a while he is con­sist­ent and so I just hope he loses mo­tiv­a­tion he con­tin­ues to go strong. Good at minigames! Hope­fully not too good in catch­ing up…

Also whatever EI ster­oids he’s on, I think I’d need them too^^

  1. (-2) Gen­Er­a­tion­Na­tion (Gen) - ee67017:

While he can­not con­sist­ently keep up the 1000 mes­sages per month, the Jug­ger­naut is not stop­ping any time soon, neither in­game, nor in the server. Don’t be de­ceived by his stag­nant \(F(t)\), he’s ac­tu­ally very close to Playspout!

Maybe not at the ab­so­lute top for CTs (though I think in terms of ef­fi­ciency he ac­tu­ally is) but still go­ing strong enough with ac­cel (the mad­man^^) to keep closer to Playspout than he should. If this will be enough to get back his #1 can be doubted though he will try it.

  1. Black­Seal94 (Black­Seal) - ee66992:

Sel­dom seen here but al­ways great to see him up­date his in­sane T6 stat (dis­count­ing Playspout who should­n’t count any­ways)^^ Cus­tom the­or­ies have kind of awoken him to be more act­ive here, which is nice. It also made him more act­ive in the rank­ings, which is not so nice ;)

He had turned on CT over­drive but as the new CTs lose their power he’s back to catch­ing up. Un­per­turbed by the switch­eroo around him, though the fight to stay in the Top 5 got cer­tainly harder.

  1. Vin­tage­Sur­fer­56606 (kinger55) - ee66955:

He has dis­covered the main reason to be on the server: the tau bot^^ Else he’s not really par­ti­cip­at­ing (un­less I ask for a tau up­date) but he’s a force on the lead­er­board for sure. He cer­tainly figured out CTs and firmly planted him­self in the Top 5 un­til Adam showed up. If I had to bet I’d say he’ll get at least Top 3 one day! Not that any­one above would want to give ground though.

  1. Fi­nalul­tima (Fi­nalul­tima) - ee66547:

While they showed up a day be­fore the rank­ings they got into the Top 20 in “real” Dis­cord con­ver­sa­tions (after some month of talk­ing with the tau bot!) activ­ity is still al­most neg­li­gible but happy to have them and look­ing for­ward to see­ing more!

Amaz­ing fast pro­gress and now the gap to close is pretty big. Still an im­press­ive achieve­ment get­ting here and after see­ing their dis­tri­bu­tion I have no doubt it is fully de­served!

  1. some gib­ber­ish I won’t even try type­writ­ing[name may change any second] (nubest) - ee66383:

She has been a long time mem­ber of this server, with quite a lot of mes­sages a name to know. Maybe not the founder but ex­cess­ive user of a rather un­usual kind of text emoji: ouo and vari­ations of it. She also likes to call hax and people bad which seems to cor­rel­ate with her or­tho­graphic skills.

Un­for­tu­nately life came in the way and be­sides a pause on the server her lead­er­board place­ment was suf­fer­ing for it. For­tu­nately she is now back! And what a state­ment to get back into the Top 10 and even climb­ing! Maybe its the cat emo­jis^^

  1. (+1) TRE­DEC42 (XLII) - ee66309:

I don’t even know where to start but he’s do­ing amaz­ing in­game and out of the game! Rising more and more thanks to his CT prowess (in ab­so­lute val­ues cur­rently #1), ori­ginal the­ory push­ing, the newly reached in­sane 1e9 stars and lots of push­ing. To add to that he’s a minigame re­cord hunter, sim pro­gram­mer, CT bal­an­cer, helper and very act­ive on the server!

Really happy to see him enter the Top 10 for a rank­ing and not only for a short time! Go ahead and rise some more!

  1. (+3) colinc719 (?) - ee66262:

They were maybe the biggest sur­prise when en­ter­ing the rank­ings, shoot­ing up from some­where I can­not even re­mem­ber dir­ectly into the Top 20 and never look­ing back. We can­not even know more about them be­cause it looks like they are still not on the server. Maybe the fu­ture will give us more (so far not). For now they just entered Top 10 after first dis­ap­pear­ing for a bit from the lead­er­boards com­pletely.

  1. (-2) An­thari­on1988 (An­tharion) - ee66258:

The ori­ginal le­gend, long­time #1, cre­ator of the ori­ginal tau sim­u­lator and sadly not that act­ive any­more (both in the game and on the server), though we can still see him (and he’s cer­tainly not given up^^) quite reg­u­larly.

It was a sur­prise but a wel­come one to see him back in the Top 10 and stay­ing! Now the com­pet­i­tion sadly got him but no reason to give him up. Go­gogo!!!

  1. (+2) spqcey (ran­dom­name) - ee66245:

No idea what the name means but not that ran­dom of a per­son^^ We have an­other minigame mas­ter with a very im­press­ive 2.55e8 minigame stars. Not only that but he’s also pretty act­ive in the realm of col­lect­ing data in sheets like the the­ory strats, vari­able power or (sadly in­act­ive for now) the tau graph­ing sheet and the \(F(t)\) sheet. He’s pretty act­ive on the Dis­cord server and a very im­press­ive cus­tom the­ory mas­ter.

When Top 10?

  1. (-1) Reck­on­Crew (Reck­on­Crew) - ee66224:

They have all their mes­sages on the server from a single day about 20 months ago, which is an achieve­ment in it­self I guess^^

Not much else to say ex­cept they are pretty stable, mainly gain­ing a place now and then (and some­times los­ing one). I do like stable play­ers for this rank­ing^^

He did give me some work by switch­ing places but at least he re­mains mainly in the same rank­ings group^^

  1. (-3) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee66156:

Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Maybe the most act­ive per­son on the server [cita­tion needed]. Also known for his con­tri­bu­tions to the guide and an­swer­ing ques­tions seem­ingly every­where and everytime^^ Due to his work he’s been less act­ive lately (which seems still pretty act­ive to me). You’re do­ing a great job though! Same goes for his own cus­tom the­ory idea (EF) which got im­ple­men­ted with the help of pea­nut and XLII.

Des­pite all this dis­trac­tions he’s still con­sist­ently in the rank­ings! Now I’m even look­ing for­ward to him en­ter­ing the Top 10 for the first time (in my rank­ings, in between he already reached it). Okay, so close but yet so far…

  1. Up­Artz (?) - ee66097:

Seems to be act­ive on Red­dit but not here, though this is un­clear.

They were already out and are of­ten on the edge but be­cause of that I’m even more im­pressed by their fight­ing spirit, look­ing for­ward to their next month! Still here and ahead by a de­cent mar­gin!

  1. ad­equateryan (ad­equate ryan) - ee66000:

Entered a few month ago. But who do we wel­come into our ranks? I have no idea as they are seem­ingly on the server but with a whoop­ing 0 mes­sages so far. While I al­ways feel a bit of sad­ness see­ing vet­eran play­ers fall, I do like new play­ers com­ing in, show­ing all is fluid and you can catch up.

Now I won­der if they’ll stay or even rise or maybe even more sur­pris­ingly start to talk on the server! So far only rise and no talk… Or no rise and no talk…

  1. (+1) har­u­maki200 (har­u­maki) - ee65799:

So far with the low­est amount of Dis­cord mes­sages but at least still here^^ Cus­tom the­or­ies re­quired some posts but that was it some­what sadly.

Activ­ity on the server is no where equi­val­ent to activ­ity in­game and this held true here very well. For a while they had stopped play­ing com­pletely but now grind­ing is back on the menu! Wel­come back!

  1. (+1) Juan­nTitor (JuanT­itor) - ee65762:

On the server it looks like a lot of bot com­mands lately but from time to time he pops up for some other com­ment.

For quite a while he’s fight­ing really hard for his place in the rank­ing and has been out and back again. His comebacks must be a re­cord, right?

Top 20 streak: 3!

  1. (+1) Fire­burn­er80 (Gull Dew­cat) - ee65699:

His in-game activ­ity seems to mir­ror his server activ­ity: prefer­ably idle (though he is an old vet­eran who was some­what act­ive back in the days). He did idled out of the rank­ings but already showed the fire for a comeback and now he’s back. I still fear for his place be­cause their is some hungry com­pet­i­tion creep­ing closer but even get­ting back is still an im­press­ive achieve­ment! For now he’s still save, so that is nice.

  1. (new) d4N­f6Bg5 (d4N­f6Bg5) - ee65601:

He’s been on the server and the rank­ings hunt for a while. A long while ac­tu­ally. Ac­cord­ing to him surely every day he was­n’t here too long.

If you know chess nota­tion you can de­duce from his name he’s a chess player (you can go as far as al­low him his self-pro­claimed ex­pert status given his 2500+ lichess rat­ing^^). As I’m something of a chess player my­self I already like that^^

Be­ing driven by his de­sire to fi­nally reach the rank­ings but hindered by com­pet­i­tion, long times for small gains and not much de­sire to ac­tu­ally cash in on the act­ives, he de­cided to do a first here at the top (at least as far as we know): he split his saves. One of them is go­ing for the long haul and the other - this one - got the the­ory auto­mator run­ning 24/​7 for the short-term gain. Well, it did pay off I guess…

Some enter the list and so some have to leave the list as well. Here is our fallen fel­low from this month:

  1. (-5) GrimJu­ni­per­55831 (wind) - ee65556:

The le­gend and long-time #1 from a while back, whose pres­ence here is sadly go­ing to come to an end… Un­for­tu­nately he has stopped play­ing. That he has­n’t fallen earlier is test­a­ment to his pre­vi­ous amaz­ing play. What is left now is to see him drop slowly and see it as a bench­mark how long it will take to leave the Top 20. The fi­nal an­swer is about 5 month!

This month it is fi­nally time to say good­bye to him :(

You’ll be missed!

An hon­our­able men­tion goes to #

  1. (on iOS) Phask (Phask) - ee66000 :

Long­time leader on the iOS lead­er­board and ac­tu­ally in the Top 20 over­all if com­bined. For quite some time it looked like he ac­tu­ally might be pretty close to the Top 10 on An­droid but lately he fell pretty hard. Since some time ago he star­ted fight­ing back, now be­ing at #17 in the com­bined lead­er­board. He’s also on the server, though his act­ive times are some months ago. Also known as the cre­ator of the first Tau data col­lec­tion sheet.

It will be in­ter­est­ing if he can come fully back at some point (des­pite CTs which seem to be the reason to lose the touch a bit), would be sad to see iOS drift­ing fur­ther away (though the next con­tender neasi_cz is mak­ing a ser­i­ous push and is cur­rently above the #20 An­droid player!).

And in the end it is of course time for the “real” hon­our­able men­tion (please nom­in­ate someone with a reason for fu­ture in­clu­sion of play­ers if you have some­body in mind) as Phask is tech­nic­ally in the Top 20 rank­ings:

??. Can’t re­mem­ber how sad [not his user name] (Ig­nacio Di Leva) - un­defined:

Already a vet­eran when I joined, which means good over 2 years of ex­per­i­ence. While he was­n’t the most prom­in­ent player/​grinder, he did claim the top spot for a while when 1.3 and the­or­ies dropped.

This was­n’t his main de­fin­ing fea­ture though. In­stead he is a long time mod and a very cap­able beta-tester with an amaz­ing abil­ity to break the game in very cre­at­ive ways. He had ac­cess to the code and was able to gen­er­ate saves. In this his suc­cessor (my feel­ing) Alex feels in­ferior which say a lot about one game-break­ing mas­ter (though I’ll save more for an­other time).

He was al­ways there with help­ful an­swers and a huge know­ledge about pro­gram­ming and the game spe­cif­ics. But he was also on the fun fore­front with his grand per­sona, the great Liver Lord. Own­ing all the liv­ers and grant­ing some of them to loyal and good fol­low­ers he’s a big part of the Dis­cord Server lore. His con­trol over body­parts is un­matched and he’s still the owner of Snaekys spine.

Un­for­tu­nately and sadly he’s been miss­ing since Au­gust, so if you see him, please tell him he’s missed!

As it turned out to be quite the un­der­tak­ing to write this month edi­tion (as al­ways, maybe not after the re­lo­ca­tion?), we had some \(F(t)\) changes. Luck­ily for me only one of them was enough to change any ranks (at least on my lead­er­board and in the ac­tual Top 20) but colinc719 over­tak­ing Anth ac­tu­ally meant a change of posts for these 2…