Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

Rank­ings & News April 2022

Guide writ­ten by AfuroZamurai. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This was ori­gin­ally writ­ten on Dis­cord so the text may be con­fus­ing. It is kept this way to pre­serve the ori­ginal posts how they were.

Main Rank­ings Page

April 2022 #

News #

Life first calmed down even more as cus­tom the­or­ies got slower and slower (with a new one hope­fully ar­riv­ing next month). Then we got closer to fully com­plet­ing (mean­ing to get e1000 rho or the cur­rent cap of 1e100 tau) both avail­able cus­tom the­or­ies and sud­denly everything ex­ploded again. Frantic­ally sim­u­lat­ing and push­ing re­turned like it was the first day. In the end (thanks to a minor delay in this months rank­ings al­low­ing for more com­ple­tions xD) we got 5 people com­plet­ing both CT in the fol­low­ing or­der (you would’ve never guessed who won the race):

  1. Playspout (March 30th)
  2. Gen (March 31st)
  3. XLII (April 2nd)
  4. NG­Z001 (April 3rd, so today)
  5. AfuroZamurai (April 3rd, so today)

We should­n’t for­get single com­ple­tions, so here they come (or­der might not rep­res­ent ac­tual com­ple­tion tim­ing):

WSP: nubest, Playsprout, Mors

SL: spqcey, foiled­thrice, Black­Seal, Ly­ouke

Some fur­ther news as usual:

Rank­ings #

Okay, enough other talk, time for what you’ve all been wait­ing for. April 2022 Top 20 on the lead­er­board, their \(F(t)\) at the time the list was com­piled and their Dis­cord con­nec­tion (Dis­cord names in brack­ets are not their nick­names!):

  1. Gen­Er­a­tion­Na­tion (Gen) - ee62986:

“Only” a bit above 1000 2000 3000 4000 mes­sages here (I think I have to stop that soon xD Okay, nah, why would I? Must pres­sure Gen to get 1000 mes­sages per month).

The Jug­ger­naut is not stop­ping any time soon, neither in­game, nor in the server. Kind of sur­pris­ingly he got caught by Playspout on the line to first com­ple­tion of both CTs but his on­go­ing, al­most in­hu­man push­ing makes him ex­tend his lead. I have no idea when there will ac­tu­ally be someone to chal­lenge him but he really works for his place at the top.

  1. GrimJu­ni­per­55831 (wind) - ee62799:

The le­gend from a while back, whose pres­ence here is sadly pretty rare these days… Of­ten he com­plained about the­or­ies be­ing too act­ive, though he has them all way too high xD I won­der if he could still com­pete with Gen there, while CTs are not con­test.

Him an­noun­cing he’ll re­duce time spent should mean he’ll only be a bit more hu­man I guess^^ This also means he is hav­ing a hard time keep­ing up with the top play­ers for cus­tom the­or­ies and sub­sequently los­ing his #1 place to Gen. Looks like now it is more about not be­ing caught. Still a way to go for the hunters though!

  1. (+1) Eld­rail (AfuroZamurai) - ee62401:

Al­ways a bit dif­fi­cult to write about one­self^^ Activ­ity here is more in phases but at least pretty reg­u­larly (so daily), in the game I do like my idle the­or­ies (who could’ve guessed?) and push­ing \(F(t)\). Fa­vor­ite phrase: Time for act­ive the­or­ies I guess^^ (while not do­ing that).

I kind of did it re­cently though and got the first main save to e1000 T5. Just took me al­most 2 months. It’s fine. Now I have kind of only idled since then :)

I still hope my long term en­dur­ance will al­low me to catch up in the fu­ture. In the mean­time I already feel Black­Seal breath­ing down my neck and if Playspout re­mem­bers about \(F(t)\) I’ll have no time for look­ing up.

  1. (+1) Black­Seal94 (Black­Seal) - ee62110:

Sel­dom seen here but al­ways great to see him up­date his in­sane T6 stat (dis­count­ing Playspout who should­n’t count any­ways)^^ Cus­tom the­or­ies have kind of awoken him to be more act­ive here, which is nice. It also made him more act­ive in the rank­ings, which is not so nice ;)

His speed is pretty amaz­ing and he left An­tharion in the dust so far. He cer­tainly wants more but will he ac­tu­ally get more? I hope not!

The battle with An­tharion is still on and looks like Anth in­tends to keep up. This is fun to fol­low :) At least un­til he catches me.

  1. (-2) HeadedArt26 (Playspout) - ee62016:

If you ever looked at the re­cord sheet you should know him be­cause he’s lit­er­ally every­where there (still hold­ing him off from T2/​T4 for now^^). Also pretty act­ive here for quite a while, do­ing everything ima­gin­able! Ad­ded fun fact: did ee50000 without T9.

Playspout is the Ling Ling of Ex­po­nen­tial IdleAct­ive with 40 hours a day, but some­times you just for­get about the main ob­ject­ive. He has­n’t up­dated in a while, so des­pite hav­ing more tau than I have, his \(F(t)\) push­ing was sad re­cently. As pun­ish­ment he only gets fifth place this time. Un­for­tu­nately one never knows when his next push hap­pens^^ When really want­ing he should be try­ing to catch up to wind, so ex­pect him back to 3rd in the next rank­ings!

  1. An­thari­on1988 (An­tharion) - ee62008:

The ori­ginal le­gend, long­time #1, cre­ator of the tau sim­u­lator and sadly not that act­ive any­more (both in the game and on the server), though we can still see him (and he’s cer­tainly not given up^^) quite reg­u­larly. So far he has not dropped but a new con­tender has risen. I once wrote: “With cus­tom the­or­ies it might be harder for him to keep up with his re­duced activ­ity. I still hope - and be it just for nos­tal­gic reas­ons - that he picks up the pace again.”. My hopes came true! Now what will hap­pen when a third CT is re­leased? Up seems hard but can he pre­vent down?

  1. (+1) Vin­tage­Sur­fer­56606 (kinger55) - ee62000:

He has dis­covered the main reason to be on the server: the tau bot^^ Else he’s not really par­ti­cip­at­ing but he’s a force on the lead­er­board for sure. He had a rough time after CT were re­leased he first time but after drop­ping out he shot back up and now sta­bil­ised with quite a lead, even fight­ing for 6th place. How will he do next month if a new CT comes?

  1. (+2) Adam­H99 (nemesis) - ee61607:

Re­cently found here on the server and no longer an un­known! So far it was fast and steady wins the race - and now he is here in the Top 10, it is more like a back and forth. Also worth a men­tion: he is in the Top 10 for all minigames, get­ting the fi­nal ones dur­ing the last months!

I asked: Will this fuel his mo­tiv­a­tion again to come back? Looks like he fought back and this time he re­claimed his place. A big gap to the top means he’ll have to fight against the usurpers first. What will the next month bring? Maybe an end to the swings?

  1. (-2) har­u­maki200 (har­u­maki) - ee61601:

So far with the low­est amount of Dis­cord mes­sages but at least still here^^ Cus­tom the­or­ies re­quired some posts but that was it some­what sadly.

Activ­ity on the server is no where equi­val­ent to activ­ity in­game and this holds true here very well. Con­tinu­ously on the rise, cus­tom the­or­ies proved to be a fur­ther boost. Now it will be hard to pro­gress more but maybe old le­gends will be pulled down soon nev­er­the­less? To elab­or­ate on that: while noth­ing changed re­gard­ing place­ments, the dis­tance to Anth did get smal­ler. The fu­ture looks bright here! Well, that did­n’t age well. I think it was a first drop in the rank­ing and he lost quite some ground. Now even #11 is look­ing scar­ily close. Time to pick up the pace again!

  1. (+1) Rem­m­oire (Keynez) - ee61540:

Has been seen already but not 100% cer­tain what their name is here on the server. From the us­age of the !tau com­mand it looks like the given name has to be cor­rect, though they have yet to talk to oth­ers than the tau bot since April 2021. Nev­er­the­less they’re cer­tainly a con­stant on the top of the lead­er­board.

Last month the trend was Keynez friend but this month it was­n’t. The gap to the places above grew and shrank to the places be­low. Bet­ter fight hard now!

  1. Reck­on­Crew (Reck­on­Crew) - ee61507:

They have all their mes­sages on the server from a single day about 12 months ago, which is an achieve­ment in it­self I guess^^

Not much else to say ex­cept they are still where they left off (thanks, less work shift­ing people around). Not only is this im­press­ive dur­ing these chan­ging times but he made pro­gress in re­gards to the Top 10! To my sur­prise I could­n’t jinx it by pre­dict­ing no change. Con­tinue to be my fa­vor­ite kind of rank­ing player ;)

  1. some gib­ber­ish I won’t even try type­writ­ing [name may change any second] (nubest) - ee61269:

Long time mem­ber of this server, with quite a lot of mes­sages a name to know. Maybe not the founder but ex­cess­ive user of a rather un­usual kind of text emoji: ouo and vari­ations of it. She also likes to call hax and people bad which seems to cor­rel­ate with her or­tho­graphic skills.

Threat­en­ing her po­s­i­tion (or maybe only Snaeky do­ing that) will lead to over­clock­ing the nubest.exe. Maybe it will even lead to the for­bid­den art of do­ing act­ive the­or­ies.

I’m still wait­ing for Top 10, no pres­sure though. I guess say­ing act­ive bad (while still do­ing some act­ive) might hurt in that re­gard - even though as the Idle Lord I ap­prove of such a playstyle^^ Also tried the e1000 T5 chal­lenge but abor­ted after reach­ing about 980, which is­n’t even second highest (Gen is just to good).

  1. (new) Ru­ner­112 (Ru­ner­112) - ee61231:

Their last activ­ity was over half a year ago on the server - in­game is cer­tainly dif­fer­ent. While mainly hov­er­ing around rank 20, they dropped out for a while. Now they came back with a bang, gain­ing 11(!) places to get a new best place­ment. I don’t know what they did but I want to use that too! Will that be sus­tain­able though? I’ll look for­ward on their fu­ture en­deavors!

  1. (-1) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee61223:

Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Maybe the most act­ive per­son on the server [cita­tion needed]. Also known for his con­tri­bu­tions to the guide and an­swer­ing ques­tions seem­ingly every­where and everytime^^ Help­ing is in his blood and so he helps nubest with their friendly battle. Due to his work he’s been less act­ive lately and thus can­not catch up. You’re do­ing a great job though!

Let someone enter the space between him and nubest this time, that can’t stay that way!

  1. (+1) xelaroc (Alex­Cord) - ee61204:

He is a very act­ive mem­ber of this com­munity here and even more in the game in re­spect to the minigames. An in­sane 600+ mil­lion(!) total stars (over 450 mil­lion of them minigame stars) are un­rivaled and very im­press­ive. Now he also made him­self a name with his own cus­tom the­ory which got ap­proved and ad­ded as of­fi­cial to the game.

Cus­tom the­or­ies boos­ted him a lot and while he has­n’t really got more places, he re­gained his entry place­ment and is quite close to a few of the higher places. The rise could start again, while I also won­der when he’ll get that crazy 1 bil­lion stars^^

  1. (+1) spqcey (ran­dom­name) - ee61199:

No idea what the name means but not that ran­dom of a per­son^^ We have an­other minigame mas­ter with a very im­press­ive 1.41e8 minigame stars. Not only that but he’s also pretty act­ive in the realm of col­lect­ing data in sheets like the tau graph­ing sheet and the \(F(t)\) sheet. He’s pretty act­ive on the Dis­cord server and is cer­tainly a wel­come ad­di­tion to the rank­ings!

Seem­ingly glued to xelaroc. Maybe it is time to swap places? Look­ing for­ward to see him try­ing to raise even fur­ther!

  1. (-2) Con­vo­lutedEarth28 (?) - ee61122:

Not much to say ex­cept a vague feel­ing I should know who this is but I don’t. Cool name though^^ Maybe we’ll know more at some point in the fu­ture?

Cus­tom the­or­ies had been hard on them but they still man­aged to fight and keep their Top 20 spot, show­ing you can still do well while be­ing not on the server! Still not so sure how much longer it can be sus­tain­able though…

  1. (new) om­gIdid­Ityayy [pre­vi­ously Nu­bIs­Best or TRE­DEC42] (XLII) - ee61112:

Our one real new ad­di­tion to the lead­er­board! To be fair, he already had a well de­served hon­or­able men­tion but still not a rank­ing place. Missed out last month by a bit but gain­ing 4 spots made for a strong en­trance!

If there is someone to as­so­ci­ate with nail­ing the new cus­tom the­or­ies and really tak­ing the stage it has to be XLII (as the per­son be­sides the ma­chines Gen and Playspout). Not only that, he’s one of the fast­est rising play­ers, who is pretty im­press­ive across the board: lots of stars (and minigame stars, also third) and even ap­pear­ing on tau lead­er­boards for the ori­ginal the­or­ies. His activ­ity in the server is a nice bo­nus on top!

And re­cently he entered the sim­u­la­tion game and has been of great help in that field! Go ahead and rise some more!

  1. (-1) Fire­burn­er80 (Gull Dew­cat) - ee61000:

His in-game activ­ity seems to mir­ror his server activ­ity: prefer­ably idle. Long time around this spot, maybe he’ll get the fire back and start rising again? For now it still looks like the fire might still burn but not enough to com­pete with the play­ers above. I fear for his fu­ture!

  1. (new) Up­Artz (?) - ee60999:

Seems to be act­ive on Red­dit but not here, though this is un­clear. Never really no­ticed this name be­fore start­ing the rank­ing but cer­tainly up is once again ap­pro­pri­ate^^

last time he dropped out, I wrote the fol­low­ing: “The re­lease of cus­tom the­or­ies has hit him hard, as he now trails #20 by about the same amount he pre­vi­ously had more. On the other hand he’s the player who has got­ten back once be­fore after drop­ping out, so the last word has not yet been spoken!”

Took him 2 month to gain that one spot but now he’s back! Still very close, so who knows if he’ll get re­leg­ated again or stays in there. I’m in­ter­ested and im­pressed by that fight­ing spirit!

Some enter the list and so some have to leave the list as well. Here are our fallen fel­lows from this month:

  1. (-2) Juan­nTitor (JuanT­itor) - ee60991:

On the server it looks like a lot of bot com­mands lately but from time to time he pops up for some other com­ment. Lately it looks like he pops a few places lower on the rank­ings each time, in­tend­ing to lose more each month.

It is very close but re­peat­ing that pat­tern meant los­ing the fight for his life in the rank­ings. As it is so close he might get back though, so I won’t write him off.

  1. (-8) Un­be­liev­ableSlacker (Slacker) - ee60973:

This time he was really slack­ing too of­ten (sorry, could­n’t help it) and mir­ror­ing his com­par­ably rather little server pres­ence he took a hit in the rank­ings, so hard it ac­tu­ally threw him out of the Top 20. My pre­dicted hard times came and now I can only hope for some less slack­ing! One should never lose hope for a comeback!

  1. (-3) pm­loikjuy­hbn (pm­loikjuy­hbn) - ee60969:

What an ab­om­in­a­tion of a name xD In­act­ive on the server since middle of June 2021, so not much is known about them ex­cept their de­vel­op­ment after the rank­ings star­ted.

Cus­tom the­or­ies said no to their ex­ist­ence in the rank­ings. Then they came right back. After the gath­er­ing comes the scat­ter­ing and out they are again. Will that pat­tern con­tinue for was that it for good now? With an­other cus­tom the­ory com­ing it might be the last time we saw him but I’ve never been the pre­dic­tion ex­pert^^

An hon­or­able men­tion goes to #

  1. (on iOS) Phask (Phask) - ee61371:

Long­time leader on the iOS lead­er­board and ac­tu­ally in the Top 20 over­all if com­bined. Looks like he ac­tu­ally might be pretty close to the Top 10 on An­droid (cur­rently #12)! He’s also on the server, though his act­ive times are some months ago. Also known as the cre­ator of the first Tau data col­lec­tion sheet.

As I’m an An­droid player it is hard to keep track of what he’s do­ing but his con­sist­ency to stay close to the Top 10 over­all means he has­n’t lost his edge, though while he kept the gap, newer An­droid play­ers re­placed the old chal­lengers, which might spell trouble for him. So far it seems he’s los­ing \(F(t)\) very slowly, though who knows if it will stay that way?

Sur­prise, sur­prise! Once again you get not one but two hon­or­able men­tions (please nom­in­ate someone with a reason for fu­ture in­clu­sion of play­ers if you have some­body in mind) be­cause one is long over­due and the other is cur­rently needed:

  1. In­tel­lec­tu­al­Power­112 (NG­Z001) - ee59000:

Really star­ted to shine dur­ing this month. Ap­peared a bit more in the server and es­pe­cially for cus­tom the­or­ies! Edged me out for a very im­press­ive 4th place in com­plet­ing both cus­tom the­or­ies. An­other im­press­ive stat are his stars: al­most 500 mil­lion over­all and al­most 400 mil­lion minigame stars. A real com­pet­itor for xelaroc (or at least for­cing him to put some ser­i­ous ef­fort into main­tain­ing his lead there)! What is maybe even more im­press­ive for me is the speed in which he achieved all this: 198 days of play­time only.

Let’s hope at some point in the fu­ture he can enter the rank­ings to join his friends on the lead­er­board (XLII already showed the way^^)!

0 or ?. LE★Baldy (Ayo, Baldy in the old times) - about ee130000 on his beta save, enough for T9 on main:

There is too much to say about him in a short hon­or­able men­tion but he has been there for a long time, found­ing the guide and work­ing hard on get­ting the grad calc go­ing (thanks Gilles for ru­in­ing that a bit with CTs^^). Has 100000+ mes­sages in the server as far as I know and while there have been prob­lems, he has answered and helped out a lot of people!

His pas­sion for \(F(t)\) is non ex­ist­ent (be­sides his beta save, which is very im­press­ive^^) but for other things it is ex­cep­tion­ally high, like for his neg­at­ive L5 save with mil­lions of taps.

Keep calm and go­ing!

As it turned out to be quite the un­der­tak­ing to write this month edi­tion, minor changes happened, though noth­ing to ac­tu­ally change the rank­ings this time. Nice! Ah wait, there has been that ee67437 per­son, who totally le­git popped up. Oh no, he’s a cheater! Cur­rently - with Gilles on va­ca­tion - there are some (2 An­droid, 1 iOS) very likely cheat­ers on the lead­er­board who have ob­vi­ously been ig­nored in the rank­ings.