Rankings & News January 2022
This was originally written on Discord so the text may be confusing.
It is kept this way to preserve the original posts how they were.
January 2022 #
Rankings #
January 2022 Top 20 on the leaderboard, their \(F(t)\) at the time the list was compiled and their Discord connection (Discord names in brackets are not their nicknames!):
- GrimJuniper55831 (wind) - ee60000:
The legend, whose presence here is not that rare but usually not daily. Often he complains about theories being too active, though he has them all way too high xD He also managed to get to the ee60k leaderboard cap before custom theories, incredible! Him announcing he’ll reduce time spent should mean he’ll only be a bit more human I guess^^
- GenErationNation (Gen) - ee59940:
“Only” a bit above 1000 messages here but if there is anyone who can challenge wind it has to be Gen^^ Recently he really started to attack for #1, we’ll see if either his or wind announced reduce in play time will have more impact.
- Eldrail (AfuroZamurai) - ee59565:
Always a bit difficult to write about oneself^^ Activity here is more in phases but at least pretty regularly (so daily), in the game I do like my idle theories (who could’ve guessed?) and pushing \(F(t)\). Currently fighting for a bit more rank 3 until Playspout will most probably overtake me… Time for active theories I guess^^
- (+4) HeadedArt26 (Playspout) - ee59547:
If you ever looked at the record sheet you should know him because he’s literally everywhere there (still holding him off from T2/T4 for now and wind got back his T1/T3 spots^^). Also pretty active here for quite a while!
Added fun fact: did ee50000 without T9. The jump can be explained by finally reconnecting to the leaderboard with a new phone. We’ll see if he can keep up his incredible activity but if so, he’ll rise even further!
- (-1) Antharion1988 (Antharion) - ee59324:
The original legend, longtime #1, creator of the tau simulator and sadly not that active anymore (both in the game and on the server), though we can still see him (and he’s certainly not given up^^) quite regularly. So far he has still some lead to those below him, so no drop expected any time soon.
- (+1) BlackSeal94 (BlackSeal) - ee59000:
The old T6 champion and actually climbing the leaderboard, which is impressive at these heights! Seldom seen here but always great to see him update his insane T6 stat^^ He did what is called a pro gamer move and hit just a tiny bit more \(F(t)\) before graduating, overtaking #7 for at least the moment. Given he has gained, it might well be his new leaderboard place!
- (-2) VintageSurfer56606 (kinger55) - ee59000:
He has discovered the main reason to be on the server: the tau bot^^ Else he’s not really participating but he’s a force on the leaderboard for sure. Recently he has been challenegd by BlackSeal and he seems to be losing that fight. Will he make a comeback?
- (+1) harumaki200 (harumaki) - ee58917:
So far with the lowest amount of Discord messages but at least still here^^ I was interested to see if he can get even higher and so far the answer is no. Maybe he’ll regain the high motivation? New month says:> the rise started again! And the distance to the 2 players above is not that great any longer, so maybe there will be more.
- (-3) counix86 (Arthurbdn) - ee58743:
Basically not active, except for a short time when the french glitch happened and catapulted him to the top. Well, let’s just say his T2 is like a year ahead of its time… It looks like he’s not active enough anymore to keep up but who knows? For now he is dropping a bit but not that much.
- Remmoire (Keynez) - ee58605:
Has been seen already but not 100% certain what is name is here on the server. From the usage of the !tau command it looks like the given name has to be correct. Nevertheless he’s certainly a constant on the top of the leaderboard, curious if a Top 10 spot is coming. Answer is here: he got it and he kept it for this month as well! Is there room for more? The answer so far is still no but he has closed the gap a little bit.
- ReckonCrew (ReckonCrew) - ee58520:
He has all his messages on the server from a single day about 10 months ago, which is an achievement in itself I guess^^ Not much else to say except he is still where he ended up last month. The climb gets slow but we should not rule out another rise in the future.
- Fireburner80 (Gull Dewcat) - ee58402:
His in-game activity seems to mirror his server activity: preferably idle. Long time around this spot, maybe he’ll get the fire back and reclaim his old Top 10 spot? Looks harder now as he seems to lose more but maybe the fire will burn again?
- UnbelievableSlacker (Slacker) - ee58390:
Probably slacking too often (sorry, couldn’t help it) but he was pretty active on the server for a while some time ago. Never give up the hope to see him again^^ So far he’s stationary but obviously not slacking enough to fall down again^^ Hard to say if he really gained but I see potential!
- ConvolutedEarth28 (?) - ee58387:
Not much to say except a vague feeling I should know who this is but I don’t. Cool name though^^ He keeps up and passed some of the fallen players. Maybe we’ll know more at some point in the future? He gained like ee30 \(F(t)\) on Slacker during the last month, so another swap might be due soon.
- (+1) pmloikjuyhbn (pmloikjuyhbn) - ee58320:
What an abomination of a name xD Inactive on the server since middle of June, cannot say I remember much about his leaderboard development. Last month he dropped a lot but he was able to pick up the pace again to regain at least on spot. Recovery?
- (-1) JuannTitor (JuanTitor) - ee58278:
On the server it looks like a lot of bot commands lately but from time to time he pops up for some other comment. You win some, you lose some. He seems to alternate each month. So one place up for next month?
- (+1) nubestlol (nubest) - ee58223:
She shot up the ranks and entered the Top 20. Long time member of this server with quite a lot of messages a name to know. After reaching the rankings it looks like not much has happened but the whole pack around here is pretty close, so she might be on the rise again!
- (-1) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee58200:
Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Maybe the most active person on the server [citation needed]. Also known for his contributions to the guide and answering questions seemingly everywhere and everytime^^ The rise to more than the Top 20 is hard and not that much indicates he’ll be on the rise that fast or soon but who knows?
- UpArtz (?) - ee58081:
Seems to be active on Reddit but not here, though this is unclear. Never really noticed this name but certainly up is appropriate^^ Came back last month. I asked: this time to stay? So far yes! No one too close he seems to be safe enough, though of course we’ll have to see.
- (new) AdamH99 (nemesis) - ee57892:
Though it seems not on the server, I already noticed his climb through the twenties. Fast and steady wins the race - and now he is here in the Top 20. Also worth a mention: he is in the Top 10 for all minigames except Arrow Puzzle! Never lose hope we’ll find out who he is. At least we can watch his career with great interest ;)
Some enter the list and so some have to leave the list as well. Here is our the fallen fellow from this month:
- (-1) Runer112 (Runer112) - ee57860:
His last activity is half a year ago on the server - ingame is certainly different. Dropped out once before and I commented: it mainly has to do with two players being more or less inactive, so I wonder how long he’ll be able to keep his Top 20 spot. Right, he wasn’t able to keep up. As no inactive player can be seen it might be goodbye for longer this time.
An honorable mention goes to #
- (on iOS) Phask (Phask) - ee58471:
Longtime leader on the iOS leaderboard and actually in the Top 20 overall if combined. Looks like he actually might be pretty close to the Top 10 on Android (currently #11)! He’s also on the server, though his active times are some months ago. Also known as the creator of the first Tau data collection sheet.
Another honorable mention (chosen randomly from a list of candidates - please nominate someone with a reason for future inclusion of players if you have somebody in mind):
- spqcey (randomname) - ee57781:
No idea what the name means but not that random of a person^^ Lurking just outside the top 20 for a while we have another minigame master with a very impressive 1.38e8 minigame stars. Not only that but he’s also pretty active in the realm of collecting data in sheets like the tau graphing sheet and the \(F(t)\) sheet. He’s pretty active on the Discord server and would be certainly a welcome addition to the rankings! May he feel even more motivated by this^^