Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

Rank­ings & News Janu­ary 2022

Guide writ­ten by AfuroZamurai. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

This was ori­gin­ally writ­ten on Dis­cord so the text may be con­fus­ing. It is kept this way to pre­serve the ori­ginal posts how they were.

Main Rank­ings Page

Janu­ary 2022 #

Rank­ings #

Janu­ary 2022 Top 20 on the lead­er­board, their \(F(t)\) at the time the list was com­piled and their Dis­cord con­nec­tion (Dis­cord names in brack­ets are not their nick­names!):

  1. GrimJu­ni­per­55831 (wind) - ee60000:

The le­gend, whose pres­ence here is not that rare but usu­ally not daily. Of­ten he com­plains about the­or­ies be­ing too act­ive, though he has them all way too high xD He also man­aged to get to the ee60k lead­er­board cap be­fore cus­tom the­or­ies, in­cred­ible! Him an­noun­cing he’ll re­duce time spent should mean he’ll only be a bit more hu­man I guess^^

  1. Gen­Er­a­tion­Na­tion (Gen) - ee59940:

“Only” a bit above 1000 mes­sages here but if there is any­one who can chal­lenge wind it has to be Gen^^ Re­cently he really star­ted to at­tack for #1, we’ll see if either his or wind an­nounced re­duce in play time will have more im­pact.

  1. Eld­rail (AfuroZamurai) - ee59565:

Al­ways a bit dif­fi­cult to write about one­self^^ Activ­ity here is more in phases but at least pretty reg­u­larly (so daily), in the game I do like my idle the­or­ies (who could’ve guessed?) and push­ing \(F(t)\). Cur­rently fight­ing for a bit more rank 3 un­til Playspout will most prob­ably over­take me… Time for act­ive the­or­ies I guess^^

  1. (+4) HeadedArt26 (Playspout) - ee59547:

If you ever looked at the re­cord sheet you should know him be­cause he’s lit­er­ally every­where there (still hold­ing him off from T2/​T4 for now and wind got back his T1/​T3 spots^^). Also pretty act­ive here for quite a while!

Ad­ded fun fact: did ee50000 without T9. The jump can be ex­plained by fi­nally re­con­nect­ing to the lead­er­board with a new phone. We’ll see if he can keep up his in­cred­ible activ­ity but if so, he’ll rise even fur­ther!

  1. (-1) An­thari­on1988 (An­tharion) - ee59324:

The ori­ginal le­gend, long­time #1, cre­ator of the tau sim­u­lator and sadly not that act­ive any­more (both in the game and on the server), though we can still see him (and he’s cer­tainly not given up^^) quite reg­u­larly. So far he has still some lead to those be­low him, so no drop ex­pec­ted any time soon.

  1. (+1) Black­Seal94 (Black­Seal) - ee59000:

The old T6 cham­pion and ac­tu­ally climb­ing the lead­er­board, which is im­press­ive at these heights! Sel­dom seen here but al­ways great to see him up­date his in­sane T6 stat^^ He did what is called a pro gamer move and hit just a tiny bit more \(F(t)\) be­fore gradu­at­ing, over­tak­ing #7 for at least the mo­ment. Given he has gained, it might well be his new lead­er­board place!

  1. (-2) Vin­tage­Sur­fer­56606 (kinger55) - ee59000:

He has dis­covered the main reason to be on the server: the tau bot^^ Else he’s not really par­ti­cip­at­ing but he’s a force on the lead­er­board for sure. Re­cently he has been chal­le­negd by Black­Seal and he seems to be los­ing that fight. Will he make a comeback?

  1. (+1) har­u­maki200 (har­u­maki) - ee58917:

So far with the low­est amount of Dis­cord mes­sages but at least still here^^ I was in­ter­ested to see if he can get even higher and so far the an­swer is no. Maybe he’ll re­gain the high mo­tiv­a­tion? New month says:> the rise star­ted again! And the dis­tance to the 2 play­ers above is not that great any longer, so maybe there will be more.

  1. (-3) counix86 (Ar­thurbdn) - ee58743:

Ba­sic­ally not act­ive, ex­cept for a short time when the french glitch happened and cata­pul­ted him to the top. Well, let’s just say his T2 is like a year ahead of its time… It looks like he’s not act­ive enough any­more to keep up but who knows? For now he is drop­ping a bit but not that much.

  1. Rem­m­oire (Keynez) - ee58605:

Has been seen already but not 100% cer­tain what is name is here on the server. From the us­age of the !tau com­mand it looks like the given name has to be cor­rect. Nev­er­the­less he’s cer­tainly a con­stant on the top of the lead­er­board, curi­ous if a Top 10 spot is com­ing. An­swer is here: he got it and he kept it for this month as well! Is there room for more? The an­swer so far is still no but he has closed the gap a little bit.

  1. Reck­on­Crew (Reck­on­Crew) - ee58520:

He has all his mes­sages on the server from a single day about 10 months ago, which is an achieve­ment in it­self I guess^^ Not much else to say ex­cept he is still where he ended up last month. The climb gets slow but we should not rule out an­other rise in the fu­ture.

  1. Fire­burn­er80 (Gull Dew­cat) - ee58402:

His in-game activ­ity seems to mir­ror his server activ­ity: prefer­ably idle. Long time around this spot, maybe he’ll get the fire back and re­claim his old Top 10 spot? Looks harder now as he seems to lose more but maybe the fire will burn again?

  1. Un­be­liev­ableSlacker (Slacker) - ee58390:

Prob­ably slack­ing too of­ten (sorry, could­n’t help it) but he was pretty act­ive on the server for a while some time ago. Never give up the hope to see him again^^ So far he’s sta­tion­ary but ob­vi­ously not slack­ing enough to fall down again^^ Hard to say if he really gained but I see po­ten­tial!

  1. Con­vo­lutedEarth28 (?) - ee58387:

Not much to say ex­cept a vague feel­ing I should know who this is but I don’t. Cool name though^^ He keeps up and passed some of the fallen play­ers. Maybe we’ll know more at some point in the fu­ture? He gained like ee30 \(F(t)\) on Slacker dur­ing the last month, so an­other swap might be due soon.

  1. (+1) pm­loikjuy­hbn (pm­loikjuy­hbn) - ee58320:

What an ab­om­in­a­tion of a name xD In­act­ive on the server since middle of June, can­not say I re­mem­ber much about his lead­er­board de­vel­op­ment. Last month he dropped a lot but he was able to pick up the pace again to re­gain at least on spot. Re­cov­ery?

  1. (-1) Juan­nTitor (JuanT­itor) - ee58278:

On the server it looks like a lot of bot com­mands lately but from time to time he pops up for some other com­ment. You win some, you lose some. He seems to al­tern­ate each month. So one place up for next month?

  1. (+1) nubestlol (nubest) - ee58223:

She shot up the ranks and entered the Top 20. Long time mem­ber of this server with quite a lot of mes­sages a name to know. After reach­ing the rank­ings it looks like not much has happened but the whole pack around here is pretty close, so she might be on the rise again!

  1. (-1) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee58200:

Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Maybe the most act­ive per­son on the server [cita­tion needed]. Also known for his con­tri­bu­tions to the guide and an­swer­ing ques­tions seem­ingly every­where and everytime^^ The rise to more than the Top 20 is hard and not that much in­dic­ates he’ll be on the rise that fast or soon but who knows?

  1. Up­Artz (?) - ee58081:

Seems to be act­ive on Red­dit but not here, though this is un­clear. Never really no­ticed this name but cer­tainly up is ap­pro­pri­ate^^ Came back last month. I asked: this time to stay? So far yes! No one too close he seems to be safe enough, though of course we’ll have to see.

  1. (new) Adam­H99 (nemesis) - ee57892:

Though it seems not on the server, I already no­ticed his climb through the twen­ties. Fast and steady wins the race - and now he is here in the Top 20. Also worth a men­tion: he is in the Top 10 for all minigames ex­cept Ar­row Puzzle! Never lose hope we’ll find out who he is. At least we can watch his ca­reer with great in­terest ;)

Some enter the list and so some have to leave the list as well. Here is our the fallen fel­low from this month:

  1. (-1) Ru­ner­112 (Ru­ner­112) - ee57860:

His last activ­ity is half a year ago on the server - in­game is cer­tainly dif­fer­ent. Dropped out once be­fore and I com­men­ted: it mainly has to do with two play­ers be­ing more or less in­act­ive, so I won­der how long he’ll be able to keep his Top 20 spot. Right, he was­n’t able to keep up. As no in­act­ive player can be seen it might be good­bye for longer this time.

An hon­or­able men­tion goes to #

  1. (on iOS) Phask (Phask) - ee58471:

Long­time leader on the iOS lead­er­board and ac­tu­ally in the Top 20 over­all if com­bined. Looks like he ac­tu­ally might be pretty close to the Top 10 on An­droid (cur­rently #11)! He’s also on the server, though his act­ive times are some months ago. Also known as the cre­ator of the first Tau data col­lec­tion sheet.

An­other hon­or­able men­tion (chosen ran­domly from a list of can­did­ates - please nom­in­ate someone with a reason for fu­ture in­clu­sion of play­ers if you have some­body in mind):

  1. spqcey (ran­dom­name) - ee57781:

No idea what the name means but not that ran­dom of a per­son^^ Lurk­ing just out­side the top 20 for a while we have an­other minigame mas­ter with a very im­press­ive 1.38e8 minigame stars. Not only that but he’s also pretty act­ive in the realm of col­lect­ing data in sheets like the tau graph­ing sheet and the \(F(t)\) sheet. He’s pretty act­ive on the Dis­cord server and would be cer­tainly a wel­come ad­di­tion to the rank­ings! May he feel even more mo­tiv­ated by this^^