Rankings & News December 2024
December 2024 #
News #
We have a new CT!!
Nope, you did not mishear (or misread?), Gilles has blessed us once again with a new CT, this time, only 1: Riemann Zeta function! This new CT is topping T8 in terms of graph chaos, and milestone swapping (with the most active, and most pointless MS I’ve even seen). This new CT has only been out for a bit, but the leaderboards are already on fire, with taus nearing quadruple digits! These new CTs are fast!
With new CTs come new strategies, and I have to say, RZ is my favourite theory by far (not biased, trust).
But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. With the new CT came a new bug, allowed people to complete, yes complete, the theory in vanishingly short amounts of times. Thankfully, the bug has been fixed, but leaderboard cleanup is still going on
And of course, to simulated this new theory comes a brand new shiny theory sim! This improvement on XLIIs was no small task, amazing job to [Insert CT creators here]. I’m no coder, but even I can see the work and dedication that must have gone into making it. For all the community, we thank you!
And finally, with the new CT and the tau explosion we have broken the final digit barrier with top players reaching 100k f(t) and into the 6 digits. Congratulations to everyone who made it all the way up there!
That’s it for the news this month, onto the rankings:
Obligatory plea for feedback: If anyone has ideas, please let me (and/or the guide team) know. If you have criticism do it as well. If you don’t want to end up in any news/rankings outside the server, then contact me so I could either exclude or anonymise you.
Rankings #
Just as the leaderboards looked like they were beginning to settle, we have a new CT, 300 more tau, and a whole load of mixups
November 2024 Top 20 on the leaderboard, their \(f(t)\) at the time the list was compiled and their Discord connection (Discord names in brackets are not their nicknames!), data collected January 1st:
- (+0) birrel69 (birrel) - ee102965:
The rival of d4Nf6Bg5 (or rather the involuntary rival). While at first falling behind, he has long made his move and passed him for a rising spot in the rankings.
He popped up on the server to announce his entry into the Top 20, only to be overtaken again before the rankings was made. For now he’s safely in utilizing the same strat of having 2 saves.
Sometimes he shows up and exchanges some words with his rival, staying committed to the strategy of not sharing information, instead preferring to use what we find to better climb. Well, its not like anything is forced and in the end it depends on how you play your save, so on you go! It’s been forever since the last update, and still, he refuses to divulge anything. His strategies seems to be working though, because he is on fire
After being on the edge of the Top 10, he has turned on overdrive. Scary stuff, with no end in sight so far. He’s cemented himself solidly in 1st place, and there’s no end in sight. Still going strong, will he ever run out of steam?
at some point we gotta take him down from the leaderboard cause this guy it was to hax(also on a more serious note, somebody should check him for the RZ glitch)
- (+2) VintageSurfer56606 (kinger55) - ee101600:
He has discovered the main reason to be on the server - the tau bot (Well, that joke lost its meaning a lot of months ago but it is hard to let go)
Else he’s not really participating (no more tau updates it seems…) but he’s a force on the leaderboard for sure. He certainly figured out CTs and firmly planted himself near the top
He has distanced himself from the rest of the competition, and is speedrunnning his way up to the top. Now in 2nd place, how much can he keep rising?
- (+3) AbsoPerf (AbsoPerf) - ee101523:
This time I can only say that they hovered near the Top 20 for a long time. Active play with lots of pushes seems to finally be the recipe for progress.
They rose up 11 ranks, more unknown players taking to the top. Will they stop? Will they keep rising? They wil keep rising as the shoot all the way up to 3rd place!
There is no server presence, so nothing more to say so far.Well, it looks like I was missing something! AbsoPerf has blessed us with their presence on the server (and their distribution). So, hi! I look forward to actually meeting you!
- (+1) EijaRisen (?) - ee101339:
This new entry is not stopping!
I’ve never heard of them before, but clearly they had some good CTs to shoot this far up. They seem to be on a steady rise, where they’ll go next, who knows?
But wherever it is, it’s up!
- (+3) IntellectualPower112 (NGZ001) - ee101301:
Over a year ago he already had an honourable mention. Afuro wrote:
Let’s hope at some point in the future he can enter the rankings to join his friends on the leaderboard (XLII already showed the way^^)!
He was far behind but with his activity and passion we weren’t surprised to finally see him enter the Top 20!
Back then he started to appear a bit more in the server and especially for custom theories. He certainly continued this trend.
Very impressive minigamer, second to probably none, having passed 1 billion minigame stars by a fair margin.
Equally impressive in custom theories, second only to Playspout and not by much.
Here is one player I’ve seen rise more and more, with the Top 10 only the beginning! “Mr. Optimal” is still on the climb, faster than ever, making it all the way (back up) to top 5.
- (+5) colinc719 (?) - ee100899:
A long-time member of the top 20, he has been in the top 20 since 2022 (!), even reaching the top 10 on a regular basis. We cannot even know much about them because it looks like they are still not on the server. Maybe the future will give us more (so far not).
For now they just entered Top 10 after first disappearing for a bit from the leaderboards completely and made clear Top 10 was just a step on the way. They’ve gone up, they’ve gone down, but they rode the new CTs all the way up to 6th!
- (+3) nubestlol {changed} (nubest) - ee100687:
She has been a long time member of this server, with quite a lot of messages a name to know. Maybe not the founder but excessive user of a rather unusual kind of text emoji: ouo/owo and variations of it.
She also likes to call hax and people bad which seems to correlate with her orthographic skills.
Unfortunately life came in the way and besides a pause on the server her leaderboard placement was suffering for it. Fortunately she is now back! And stronger then ever too.
Potentially her competitors are too active now, though she is still pretty high up. Maybe its the cat emojis^^ Or the elaborate strategies which are surely not active because nub only idles, sure.
- (-1) ReckonCrew (ReckonCrew) - ee100572:
They have all their messages on the server from a single day about 45 months ago, which is an achievement in itself I guess^^
Actually cannot find them anymore, maybe because of the Discord name update? Or maybe because Discord sometimes doesn’t want to actually search.
Not much else to say except they are pretty stable, mainly gaining a place now and then (and sometimes losing one). I do like stable players for this ranking :)
- (-7) Playspout {changed} (Playspout) - ee100353:
If you ever looked at the record sheet you should know him because he’s literally on top everywhere there (well, except apparently the original theories on main save).
Also pretty active here on the server, doing everything imaginable!
Added fun fact: did ee50000 without T9. I wonder if there is anything he isn’t active in^^
Playspout is the Ling Ling of Exponential
IdleActive with 40 hours a day (and more saves than any person should have) and still searching for new theory strats and writing and and and.He seems to be avoiding updating for now, and it’s so strange to see him so low. Where will he end up?
- (-1) Melv0r (Melv0r) - ee100111:
I have a vague feeling he should’ve been already in a month before I included him, considering my notes on f(t) but hey, he’s here now!
It has been a while since he was seen on the server, with messages dating back to 2021 making him an old veteran but still below a hundred messages. But what matters for this ranking is not activity in the server (though still nice) but activity in the game. And there he fought his way up and up until he got into this prestigious list.
Can he hold his place? Well, he’s doing a lot better then that! Rising up by 5 he has entered, and held, the top 10! Welcome, and congratulations!
- (new) BlackSeal94 - ee100050:
Shooting up from a previously-stable position just under the top 20, this is one new player whom I was surprised was not on the top 20 within the last year (like seriously I was confused about why I couldn’t find him)
He is the master of both T3 AND T1, being number one on the leaderboard with an incredible 800 tau for T3, and 750 for T1. Not content with just those 2, and is on the leaderboards for many other theories. His playstyle of playing the theories and strategies you are passionate about may have held him back before, but this theory master has claimed his spot on top!
- (+4) dragmehomenow (?) - ee99958:
This new player has decided he likes top 20, and has settled down at
16th12th - though with leaderboards this wild, who knows where they’ll end up?
- (+11) hotab1 (hotab) - ee99900:
I have a vague feeling he shouldn’t have been in when I first included him but well, now he’s in for sure.
Right now he’s the one player listed on all 8 main save theories on the record sheet (wow).
I’ll be interested to see if he can keep up the pace or if pushing T6 will cost him at some point. Note: always push theories. Wait, that seems pretty obvious.
Is he able to keep it up? He’s slipping and he fell, but he’s right back and stronger then ever, with a monstorous +11 rise!
- (+6) SnaekySnacks (SnaekySnacks) - ee99291:
Had a hard time not to think of sneaky but okay^^ Maybe the most active person on the server [citation needed]. Also known for his contributions to the guide and answering questions seemingly everywhere and everytime^^ Due to his work he’s been less active lately (which seems still pretty active to me). You’re doing a great job though! Same goes for his own custom theory idea (EF) which got implemented with the help of peanut and XLII.
Sadly, Snaeky has been out of the rankings for a while, falling back in 2023. When he fell, Afuro wrote: “And with other things happening, he finally fell out… No worry, you’re still on of the greats and maybe he’ll be back!”, and it looks like he was right! Welcome back to top 20 Snaeky, we’ve missed you!
And not just that, with his idles finished and actives primed for the kill, Snaeky is swiftly making their way back to the top. He has made his declaration: “Im probly going to end up in top 10 soonish tbh, by the end of the year”, and looking at him, I dont doubt it!
- (-2) ItsNotMe109 (?) - 99192:
Was the 2nd new person on this ranking in the top 10. Now, fallen out. Where they will end up next. Nobody knows.
Interesting Fact: He’s the only person to not only have split saves, but also apparently split accounts with ItsNotMe108 appearing and disappearing last month and confusing the hell out of me.
Again, no discord presence, so not much to say.
- (-1) d4Nf6Bg5 (d4Nf6Bg5) - ee98856:
He’s been on the server and the rankings hunt for a while. A long while actually. According to him surely every day he wasn’t in the Top 20 too long.
If you know chess notation you can deduce from his name he’s a chess player (you can go as far as allow him his self-proclaimed expert status given his 2500+ lichess rating^^). As I’m something of a chess player myself I already like that^^
Being driven by his desire to finally reach the rankings but hindered by competition, long times for small gains and not much desire to actually cash in on the actives, he decided to do a first here at the top (at least as far as we know): he split his saves. One of them is going for the long haul and the other - this one - got the theory automator running 24/7 for the short-term gain.
Not just content with main leaderbaords, he is proving to the a force to be reckoned with in seasons. He took an early lead and won the whole event! d4, clearly not a player to be reckoned with. But there’s no such thing as a free lunch, on his main save, his actives are lagging behind, and his rankings are taking the hit. Birrel has turned to other things, can d4 keep up this playstyle?
Well, seasons are over, so d4 can turn his season energy to the “real” leaderboard (not to say seaonss aren’t real!), and get ready to rise some ranks (or more likely sleep). Looks like he chose to sleep, but he’s staying quite stable so far.
- (new) Sirlonnes (???) - ee98782:
Another new person. I thought i was done with those. Welcome!
- (new) seraphya (???) - ee98744:
Another one? Welcome to you too!
- (new) MuddyJacket4786 - ee98739:
(see above)nah I wouldn’t do that to you. Welcome as well!
- (-1) xtevenx3 (Xteven) - ee98691:
Finally someone on this discord for once. It’s looking like his self described playstyle of full idle might be hurting him. Or it was seasons, of which he was also a competitor. Hanging on by a thread, Xteven isn’t quite out yet! gogogogogo!!
With so many new players entering the list, some have to leave the list as well. Here are our fallen fellows from this month.
- (-22) Finalultima (Finalultima) - ee98344:
While they showed up a day before the rankings they got into the Top 20 in “real” Discord conversations (after some month of talking with the tau bot!) activity is still almost negligible but happy to have them and looking forward to seeing more!
Amazing fast progress and now
the gap to close is pretty bighe has more than closed the gap! An absolutely incredible feat making it all the way up here, even if you have fallen a little.He seems quite cemented here, but you can never discount the competition here in the top 20. - Eylanding, 1 month ago
God I was wrong. This is why you can never trust predictions. Top 1 by a long shot, and now down to 25 (likely as a result of not updating)
(deleted) itsnotme108 (?) - ee0:
Hmm, I wonder who this person it. I wonder, is it ItsNotMe109 doing a little save scumming?
Regardless, it’s not exactly fair to everyone to have one person count twice, so I’m moving everyone up one place, for the real top 20. And there he goes. Bai!
- (-13) Albereinstein3456789 - ee96049:
3000 f(t) in one month? That’s gotta be some kind of record. Shooting up from below 30th, he’s cemented himself right into 14th, and then fallen back down to 27. Bye!
- (-6) UpArtz (?) - ee95932:
Seems to be active on Reddit but not here, though this is unclear.
They were already out of the Top 20 and were often on the edge but because of that I’m even more impressed by their fighting spirit, seeing the gap closing to actually entering the single digits! Applause for reaching the Top 10!
And it seems they are here to stay. Despite the entire leaderboard moving around them, they stayed constant in Top 10 (thank god). Looks like this player is here to stay.
Oh, oh no. Looks like my predictions were wrong… oh, very wrong…
We hope to see you again!
- (-8) HumongousTroll273 (?) - ee95721:
Just barely scraping into 20 top last month, he rises to 18th, and down to 26. Those are all the updates so my work here is done
An honourable mention goes to #
- (on iOS) neasi_cz (neasi) - ee100497:
5th on combined LB (-1) A not-that-new face anymore on the top of the iOS leaderboard! Having overtaken Phask and finally getting to rank 1 after a long hunt, he’s fast increased his lead.
He is not that active on the server, but not unknown either. Maybe we’ll see him more in the future?
It might be possible we have in him somebody who is ready to challenge the established overall Top 10 hold by Android players, though it is still to early to say that. Well, he managed to do it, and would be #4 (well now #5) in the android lb. Congrats on reaching top 10! (and representing iOS players).
I have to say: I’m rooting for him!
- (+1) (on iOS) アケローン川に住む入道坊主 (?) - ee99816
15th on combined LB (+5) There isn’t much I can say except he has been playing catch-up since quite a while until finally getting on here - and up to 2nd (!)
Afuro’s glorious Japanese skills were enough to read the first part as “Acheron river”. Seems the rest means a (young?) monk living there, according to his research.
Or I could wait for someone to provide a better translation: Nyūdō monk who lives on the Acheron River (no guarantee for being right).
- (new) (on iOS) [I’m not typing that] (?) - ee99763
16th on combined LB Another new person? Welcome to the top!
- (-2) (on iOS) Bobblyben - ee99733
17th on combined LB
We’ve seen him before, but we just about characterised him as legit enough to be on this leaderboard. A sufferer of the 16x CT glitch, it could be argued that his save is invalid, but it has been fixed, and it’s not like he could’ve prevented it anyway. After rising up to 2nd, he’s slipped down to 4th. Still in top 20 though, keep going!
If you want to ignore him, you can, but at least in my opinion he deserves this spot in the top 20. Welcome Bobblyben to the top of iOS
- (new) (on iOS) Jooo1265 (jooo) - ee99100
19th on combined LB
Old face, new LB position! He’s been high on iOS for a while, and this iOS break into the top 20 seems to keep on going. Jooo has been playing the long game and it has paid off. It’s mad (and amazing) seeing this many iOS players in the top 20, but welcome to top 20! \n
They have also been really helpful by keeping track of top 50 f(t) rankings on a daily basis (yes, every day they update their spreadsheet), so huge kudos to them (we’ve been able to track potential cheaters so much better)!
And in the end it is of course time for the “real” honourable mention (please nominate someone with a reason for future inclusion of players if you have somebody in mind) as the iOS players are technically in the Top 20 rankings (or represent the top of the iOS leaderboard):
- propfeds (Prop) - ee78215:
As said before we have been blessed with a new CT, and this is the person we have to thank!
This CT juggernaut is seemingly an expert at making these, creating RZ (almost) all on his own (okay who am I kidding). They did the research, coding, and balancing required on the journey of CT creation and has given us all a wonderful new custom theory for us all to enjoy!
If anyone deserves an honourable mention, it’s them. Keep up the amazing work, and I hope to play another one of your CTs soon! (Keep your eyes peeled for Lemma’s Garden full release maybe sometime)