Ex­po­nen­tial Idle Guides

Yearly Re­view 2022

Guide writ­ten by AfuroZamurai. Con­tri­bu­tions from the Amaz­ing Com­munity.

Main Rank­ings Page

2022 Re­cap #

After 365 days of 2022 it is time to take a look back to see what happened and what might and/​or will hap­pen in the fu­ture with re­gards to Ex­po­nen­tial Idle.
Quick warn­ing: this re­cap will touch ba­sic­ally and po­ten­tially every topic and might spoil you, so don’t say you haven’t been warned!

Be­fore I get into it, a few shoutouts ab­so­lutely have to be made.

Shoutout to LE★Baldy who made it pos­sible to have this here on the guide today by sac­ri­fi­cing sleep and even trans­fer­ing the rank­ings from Dis­cord to the web­site!

Shoutout to the other guide ed­it­ors who make this site pos­sible!

Shoutout to all, who helped mak­ing these be­fore (es­pe­cially XLII and Hue­vos Re­vuel­tos for the rank­ings track­ing, Alex for iOS up­dates and surely many more for ideas, point­ing out mis­takes and in­put)!

Shoutout to the com­munity (es­pe­cially on Dis­cord as this is where the rank­ings were done first) for be­ing amaz­ing and there to read, talk, dis­cuss and have fun with the game and out­side the game! Without this noth­ing would hap­pen and I’m grate­ful we’re still hav­ing the com­munity grow­ing!

And fi­nally a shoutout to Gilles who made the great game without which this could­n’t ex­ist!

What happened? #

A full year means a lot of things happened. Or at least it should mean that. Luck­ily for us that holds very much true for 2022!

The most im­port­ant event has to be the re­lease of Up­date 1.4.21 or in more un­der­stand­able terms: the re­lease of cus­tom the­or­ies. Co­in­cid­ent­ally this was also the first ma­jor event of the year hap­pen­ing on 16.01.2022 and the main trig­ger for me to start a news sec­tion for the rank­ings.
Over the course of the next months we got 4 of­fi­cial cus­tom the­or­ies, 2 the­or­ies to help auto­mate parts of the game and over a dozen un­of­fi­cial cus­tom the­or­ies in de­vel­op­ment (while most prob­ably not know­ing a bunch more which aren’t pub­licly known yet). An­other hand­ful of the­or­ies are ready to be tested for adding them to the of­fi­cial, so all in all a great suc­cess which lead to count­less hours of fun!
Most of the other minor up­dates aren’t ex­actly in­ter­est­ing for the cas­ual player but we did get the game trans­lated to 2 more lan­guages (Czech and Ser­bian) which takes the total num­ber of lan­guages up to 28!

The com­munit­ies and the game it­self are in great shape with the Subred­dit r/​Ex­po­nen­tial­Idle hav­ing al­most 6400 mem­bers, the Dis­cord server sur­pass­ing 10000 mem­bers for al­most 10600 users and the game it­self hav­ing now over 500000 down­loads (while I don’t have ex­act num­bers this means more then doub­ling and be­ing around 4x the num­ber of down­loads!).

Enough of­fi­cial news, com­ing to some more spe­cific news!
Be­gin­ning with the cus­tom the­or­ies:

  1. Gen­eral needed know­ledge:
    • All of­fi­cial cus­tom the­or­ies also give tau for the main game but at a re­duced rate (10% of their rho for all of them ex­cept 40% for Euler’s For­mula)
    • Tau is given up to a cap of e150 (raised on 4th May this year from e100 after the old cap was reached to quickly)
  2. Wei­er­straß Sine Product by xelaroc: this was the first ad­ded cus­tom the­ory already in­cluded in 1.4.21. I won’t re­count everything as you can look to the rank­ings and news your­self for some his­tory. Just the most im­port­ant know­ledge con­densed:
    • The first per­son to com­plete it on the old tau cap of e100 was Playspout
    • The cur­rently highest value of it on any save is e126 also by Playspout
    • As it was op­tim­ized for the old cap of e100 tau (or 10% of the rho) it is cur­rently the one cus­tom the­ory no one will be able to fin­ish (mean­ing reach the cap of e150) but the highest value on a main save is about e106 (this should also be by Playspout)
  3. Se­quen­tial Lim­its by El­lip­sis: this was the second cus­tom the­ory, ad­ded a week after 1.4.21 was re­leased.
    • The first per­son to com­plete it on the old tau cap of e100 was Playspout (who also was the first per­son to com­plete both of them)
    • The cur­rently highest value of it on any save would be e155 (if not for the cap) also by Playspout
    • The highest value on a main save should be e132 by d4N­f6Bg5
  4. Euler’s For­mula by Snaeky (idea), pea­nut (pro­gram­ming) and XLII (bal­an­cing): re­leased at the same time as the next of­fi­cial cus­tom the­ory and the first one to be de­veloped by a team. As it was the faster one, it was mostly chosen to be played first and it is also lis­ted third.
    • The first per­son to com­plete it on the new tau cap of e150 was Playspout.
    • The cur­rently highest value of it on any save would be e160 (if not for the cap) also by Playspout
    • It is so far the only the­ory which was com­pleted for the new cap on a main save (ac­tu­ally so far I know of 7 com­ple­tions: Playspout, NG­Z001, Black­Seal, Fi­nalul­tima, XLII, and dyme)
  5. Con­ver­gents to \(\sqrt{2}\) by Sol­arion: re­leased at the same time as Euler’s For­mula.
    • So far nobody has com­pleted it on the new cap
    • The highest value of it on any save is e130 by Playspout
    • The highest value on a main save should be about e124 by BluePlusSym­bol

Next we had some big de­vel­op­ments re­gard­ing guides and strategies:

Fi­nally some more stats and re­cords re­lated up­dates:

Rank­ing de­vel­op­ments #

Over a year the lead­er­board is bound to have fluc­tu­ations, so let’s take a look at some stats and changes. First some facts:

Be­fore I start to list the changes over the years for the play­ers, something for the eye! The user Hue­vos Re­vuel­tos has star­ted com­pil­ing a lot of lead­er­board val­ues for the Top 20 and now even the Top 100. From the 7th of Oc­to­ber on­ward he has cre­ated the fol­low­ing visu­al­iz­a­tion of the de­vel­op­ment of the cur­rent Top 25:

Changes for all play­ers who were in the Top 20 in the rank­ings of Decem­ber 2022
Cur­rent Lead­er­board rank Last Rank­ings rank Player name Cur­rent f(t) Place­ment change
1 1 HeadedArt26 ee67488 Rank 4 -> Rank 1 (+3)
2 2 Eld­rail ee67353 Rank 3 -> Rank 2 (+1)
3 3 Adam­H99 ee67253 Rank 20 -> Rank 3 (+17)
6 4 Gen­Er­a­tion­Na­tion ee67017 Rank 2 -> Rank 6 (-4)
5 5 Black­Seal94 ee67105 Rank 6 -> Rank 5 (+1)
4 6 Vin­tage­Sur­fer­56606 ee67154 Rank 7 -> Rank 4 (+3)
7 7 Fi­nalul­tima ee66766 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
8 8 ax­o­lotl­gud ee66597 Rank 17 -> Rank 8 (+9)
9 9 TRE­DEC42 ee66550 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
11 10 colinc719 ee66524 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
12 11 An­thari­on1988 ee66400 Rank 5 -> Rank 12 (-7)
10 12 spqcey ee66548 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
13 13 Reck­on­Crew ee66359 Rank 11 -> Rank 13 (-2)
16 14 SnaekySnacks ee66259 Rank 18 -> Rank 16 (+2)
15 15 Up­Artz ee66292 Rank 19 -> Rank 15 (+4)
14 16 ad­equateryan ee66305 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
17 17 har­u­maki200 ee66023 Rank 8 -> Rank 17 (-9)
18 18 Juan­nTitor ee65983 Rank 16 -> Rank 18 (-2)
19 19 Fire­burn­er80 ee65925 Rank 12 -> Rank 19 (-7)
23 20 d4N­f6Bg5 ee65601 Not in Top 20 at the start of 2022
25 22 GrimJu­ni­per­55831 ee65556 Rank 1 -> Rank 25 (-24, stopped play­ing)

What’s in store for 2023? #

A new year should hope­fully mean new things as well. So we can try to make some pre­dic­tions or easier: col­lect known in­form­a­tion about the fu­ture of Ex­po­nen­tial Idle (or at least for the next year).
A bit sadly the fore­see­able fu­ture is done rather quickly:
New cus­tom the­or­ies should get ad­ded though an ac­tual tim­ing is cur­rently un­known.

Be­sides this we have some gen­eral hap­pen­ings (rank­ings and news will con­tinue monthly, guide will keep get­ting up­dates) but noth­ing ex­pli­citly planned. So in a way it is up to you all to see where it will go: write new cus­tom the­or­ies, en­gage in the com­munity, grind the lead­er­board, de­velop ideas your­self and sug­gest them in any com­munity or just have fun in your own way.
Thank you for read­ing and I can end only on one wish:

Happy New Year and happy id­ling for 2023!